Tag Archives: NSUBA

NSU Mission, Vision & Values

In a recent blog post, NSU Provost Martin Tadlock offered guidance to University employees on how to stay focused and how to better determine what’s important in the current era of information overload and rapid change.

Something he suggested in bold letters (giving clue as to import) was for all employees to read NSU’s mission, vision, and values. I’ve included them below for the convenience of those to whom he was speaking, as well as to those who might be interested in learning about how large institutions full of highly educated individuals create cohesion and unity of purpose.

If you work at an institution that has a similar document, you should seriously consider reviewing it. It’s important to know where you are, in order to better determine where you are going.

NSU Mission Statement

Founded on the rich educational heritage of the Cherokee Nation, the campuses of Northeastern State University provide our diverse communities a broad array of lifelong learning, undergraduate, graduate, and professional doctoral degree programs. Through quality teaching, research and scholarly activities, service to local and professional communities, and high expectations, our dedicated faculty and staff provide a friendly learning environment where students are prepared to achieve socially responsible career and personal goals for success in a challenging global society.

Focused Mission Statement

We empower individuals to become socially responsible global citizens by creating and sustaining a culture of learning and discovery.

Vision Statement

We will be the educational partner of choice in eastern Oklahoma, embracing the challenges and opportunities of a global society.

Values Statements


We model ethical and intellectual development by advancing honesty, human dignity, and accountability.


We build partnerships to create learning opportunities and promote educational and economic success.


We advance knowledge by exploring new possibilities through critical inquiry and intellectual freedom.


We have a compelling commitment to serve, inspiring and preparing others to do the same.


We pursue continuous improvement individually and as a community.

Posted by Linda Summers